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Dr. Chi Fingernail & Tongue Diagnosis Clinic

Dr. Tsu-Tsar Chi is an expert in the ancient Chinese medical art of fingernail & tongue diagnosis.  Dr. Chi will be providing indivudual consultations and evaluations of fingernail & tongue changes.  Dr. Chi will provide to you specific recommendations for problems he identifies or issues that may become a problem later in your life.

Dr. Chi will only be in East Lansing from Monday, June 9th through Friday, June 13th.  He will not be back in Michigan until 2015 so plan to see Dr. Chi this year!

This clinic is open to current Wycoff Wellness Center patients or to new patients.  You do not have to be an established Wycoff Wellness Center patient to see Dr. Chi and receive your personal evaluation.  Call today and schedule your appointment!

June 9, 2014 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sign up and keep in touch!